Sunday, October 28, 2007

At last - a first blog!

I finally did it - I'm no longer a virgin! I finally have my own blog..... OK, I know, if you are reading this you are probably familiar enough with blogging to navigate blogworld and have seen this sort of wildly enthusiastic post 1000 times , but just humour me while I congratulate myself on catching up a bit with THE technology.
Are we going somewhere with this Library 2.0 program, which aims to update librarians on how to use the internet in ways that many of our customers already are? I sure hope so because I found that the instructions weren't very clear, so navigation has been hit-or-miss with considerable use of the browser back button - now that's something I can do well!
I've also got a lot of catching up to do because I am many weeks behind in the program due to work and personal commitments, and being on holiday. Poor me?
Looking at what other participants have achieved in just a few weeks gives me faith that this program will definately be an exciting and worthwhile learning experience (despite - or because of - the challenges), so here goes...

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